Call for Beta-Testers

The BETA-test version of the Virtual NMR Spectrometer is now available.
If you are interested in using the program, are knowledgeable about NMR, and familiar with Matlab, perhaps you would consider being a BETA-tester of the program. BETA-testers should, hopefully, be willing to put up with the testing of the developed code, documenting errors and inconsistencies of the code, and might even be willing to contribute to the development.

Many thanks to those who participated in the ALPHA-testing for your valuable feedback.
Our special thanks to Emeric Miclet (NIH), Sami Heikkinen (Helsinki U.), and Paul Vasos (U. Florence) for comments and very useful suggestions.

Please address your questions and requests to
David Fushman, phone: (301) 405-3461, fax. (301) 314-0386,e-mail: